On March 6, 2013, Salesforce.com began a phased rollout that changes their Identity Confirmation in an effort to increase its overall security and protection of user accounts. This change will ultimately impact all of 501Partners’ clients that are on the Salesforce.com platform. Salesforce will replace email Identity Confirmation with SMS Identity Confirmation for all verified mobile users. This update safeguards Salesforce.com customers by adding an extra layer of protection when verifying a system login from an unknown source. Once the change is activated, verified mobile users will only receive an SMS Identity Confirmation message. Users without mobile phones will still have the option to use email identity confirmation.
What do you need to do? The folks at Salesforce will automatically enable this change on the auto-activation date listed in the Critical Update Console of your account, which is found on the Setup page under the “Critical Update” section in the left-hand navigation. However, Salesforce strongly encourages you to enable this update prior to the auto-activation date by clicking the “Activate” button in the Critical Update Console of your Salesforce.
To learn more, please visit the Salesforce FAQ page on this change. If you would like 501Partners to assist you with this change please contact us at info@501Partners.com.