
Salesforce Archives - Page 5 of 5 - 501Partners LLC

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3 Principles to legitimize your Data Practices

By | CRM & Salesforce, Data Management, Information Technology, Nonprofit Management
data practices - spreadsheet

Image courtesy of ddpavumba / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Have you ever wondered why your staff is using Excel spreadsheets and Google Docs to track data when you have a perfectly good central database for that purpose?

We see this problem over and over. If data is warehoused in disparate files, its value is seriously diminished. Plus, overall efficiency suffers whenever you actually try to use the data

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Salesforce Tech Talk: How To Convert a Contact to a Person Record

By | Information Technology

This post is for anyone already using Person Accounts.

salesforceThere are pros and cons to using Person Accounts, but because relatively few apps play nicely with them, they’re typically used by organizations that have a good reason for going the Person Account route.  So don’t think that you need to go switch today – if you don’t use them, you’re off the hook today! Jeff Douglas’s blog has a fantastic, detailed description of Person Accounts if you want to learn more about this account type.

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The Three Immutable, Immovable Laws of SalesForce: Law 2

By | CRM & Salesforce, Nonprofit Tech, Our Services
photo credit: steakpinball via photopin cc

photo credit: steakpinball via photopin cc

Law 2: Proof, Transparency and all the baggage that comes with

SalesForce is an incredible management tool. It can inform a manager with more information about their staff’s time/effort than they ever dreamed possible. It can bring a veritable renaissance of programmatic improvements and outcomes as well as the most transparency that your nonprofit has ever known. Wherein we find our double edge.

Repeat after me: Push Up.

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The Three Immutable, Immovable Laws of SalesForce: As told by a former nonprofit SalesForce Admin (1 of 3)

By | Information Technology

Law 1: Commitment


It’s that simple. SalesForce, especially for nonprofit organizations, can be an incredibly powerful and valuable system. This means, however, that other systems must go away, reporting systems must get consolidated, and people must have the expectation that relevant information must find its way into SalesForce.

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