
CRM & Salesforce

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Salesforce API Announcement (September 2014)

By | CRM & Salesforce, Nonprofit Resources, Nonprofit Tech

Salesforce has made some changes, but you don’t have to worry about what they mean for your NPO. That’s what we’re here for. Salesforce has changed their API (Application Program Interface) a little bit and this may affect some of your connected apps. The impact should be minimal and you will be able to login, but some features may act strangely until the permissions are corrected. Outlined below are the specifics of this change, along with screenshots to better help you understand how to deal with the shift. Read More

Salesforce Demo for Nonprofits

By | CRM & Salesforce, Nonprofit Resources, Nonprofit Tech, Our Services

Thank you for your interest in our Salesforce Demo Webinar! This webinar is intended to give you a basic understanding of Salesforce and its capabilities. This Salesforce Demo is narrated by Stefanie Archer, our Director of Training and Support. Stefanie is a Certified Salesforce Administrator.

Simply enter your name and email into the provided space to gain access to this video.

data practices - spreadsheet

3 Principles to legitimize your Data Practices

By | CRM & Salesforce, Data Management, Information Technology, Nonprofit Management
data practices - spreadsheet

Image courtesy of ddpavumba /

Have you ever wondered why your staff is using Excel spreadsheets and Google Docs to track data when you have a perfectly good central database for that purpose?

We see this problem over and over. If data is warehoused in disparate files, its value is seriously diminished. Plus, overall efficiency suffers whenever you actually try to use the data

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Salesforce non-profit bootcamp

Salesforce For Nonprofits: Why NPO’s Love Our Bootcamp

By | CRM & Salesforce, Our Services

Mobilizing Salesforce for nonprofits is what we do at 501Partners. We’re lucky to have served some great nonprofits through our Bootcamp series, one of our most popular offerings. With this intensive one day training, nonprofits who are relatively new to Salesforce can learn all they need to get started on this powerful platform. By the end of Bootcamp, you will have learned how to create and manage organizational contacts, record and credit donations, launch campaigns, generate reports, create dashboards and customize records.

Is Salesforce Bootcamp right for you? Many of our clients think so! “Salesforce is intimidating, and we have no staff to work on it,” says Sarah Shampnois of Company One. “But I have to say that after the training, I feel confident now that this is something I can take off of my boss’s plate and really own!” You can also learn about Bridges Together and Andrea Weaver’s experience with us at our Bootcamp in the following video. For more information about our upcoming Bootcamps, click here.

We hope you’ll consider signing up for one of our Salesforce Bootcamps, or one of our other Salesforce training opportunities. See all of them here to learn which might be right for your organization.


5 Dreamforce videos worth watching

By | CRM & Salesforce

df-logoDreamforce videos are live! And there are hundreds of them on the Dreamforce Youtube channel. I’ve gone through some of them and come up with 5 must watch videos for all levels of Salesforce admins.

Basic Training:

Hands-on Training: Get Started with the Nonprofit Starter Pack

Clean Data is Happy Data

Advanced Training:

Salesforce Magic for the Everyday Admin

Dashboards For Smarties: Creating Highly Effective Dashboards

Formula Ninjas

If you have a request for specific video content, list it in the comments below and I’ll look for it the next time I’m surfing the Dreamforce channel.

Scary emails from Salesforce: What action does a nonprofit need to take about whitelists?

By | CRM & Salesforce, Information Technology, Nonprofit Resources, Nonprofit Tech

If you get the emails that Salesforce sends out to systems administrators, you probably got a baffling email last week with the subject “Action Required: Whitelist All Salesforce IP Ranges to Prepare for Login Pools.”

If you’re a normal person, your reaction was probably “Wait, what?”

First things first: the chances of small and mid-sized nonprofits needing to do anything about this email is very slim.  Check with whoever manages your IT and network, they’ll know what this email means and whether you should do anything.

But because the question has come up a couple of times, we figured we’d try to translate.  This isn’t really about Salesforce, but it’s a quick peek into the inner workings of the internet for the curious.

Inner workings of the Internet
Many of us don’t even bother with the address bar on our web browsers anymore – we just type in what we want and whatever search engine we use goes out and fetches it.  So these days you can type “salesforce” into the top address bar of your browser, and more or less go to the right web site.  If you’re old enough to read this blog post, you’re probably old enough to remember when you had to type in “” or “,” or type in “” and go search for whatever you were looking for.  If you deal with web pages at all, you know that you have to find the URL (human readable name) of a web site in order to link to it.

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That human readable web address (URL) has some magic behind it.  When you type it into your address bar, your computer first talks to your local network, which talks out to the world, to find out how to translate “” into a unique IP address.  A unique IP address is just a string of numbers tied to a unique computer somewhere, like a telephone number is tied to only your phone.  How a request gets from your computer to a global computer to Salesforce servers, back to your computer, is pretty neat, actually, but we’ll trust you to read more on your own.

IP Address assignment in today’s day and age
In the very old days, you got one IP address per human-readable address.  Your own organization’s web site probably has only one IP address.  For massively busy and distributed (cloud) systems like Salesforce, or Google, what actually happens is that any of hundreds, or thousands, of different IP addresses can actually answer a request for “”

Whitelisting’s IP Addresses
So Salesforce is just expanding the number of computers that can answer a request for “”   This never impacts most people.  However, if you are dealing with systems that have to be absolutely sure that “” isn’t coming from some evil hacker, you will get a list from Salesforce of what IP addresses are legit, and you’ll whitelist those IP addresses.  If you’ve done that, you need to expand your list soon.  That’s all this is about.

501Partners Does a Listening Tour of Local Nonprofits

By | CRM & Salesforce, Nonprofit Management, Nonprofit Tech


Over the last couple of months, I have been doing a “Listening Tour” of local nonprofits to learn more about how organizations are managing their data and the challenges they face. I’ve met with staff from 10 different nonprofits, ranging in size from 5-100 staff, and representing a variety of issue areas. I’ve heard the perspectives of program and development staff, as well as those in charge of managing the data for their organizations.
With such a spread in size and maturity, it’s no surprise that each organization handles data differently and uses a variety of systems. There was a huge range in the levels of sophistication, from the small organization that was mainly paper-based and tracked constituents on an Excel spreadsheet, to the organizations using the full extent of CRM software to manage most of their enterprise-wide data functions.

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