
Salesforce Archives - Page 3 of 5 - 501Partners LLC

Conquering Campaign Monitor

By | CRM & Salesforce

CampaignMonitor-Round-LogoHere at 501Partners, we receive a lot of questions about which mass marketing tools are best based on how they integrate with Salesforce. We’ve decided to take a quick look at the options, starting with Campaign Monitor, to give some insight on how we answer this question. All in all, it depends on which organization is asking the question, as everything we recommend is based on needs, wants, existing processes, users, and much more – all of which are unique to individual organizations. This post will simply be a brief overview to Campaign Monitor, but more information can be found here.

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Looking Ahead to Spring ’15: Salesforce Maps Feature & How To Opt Out

By | CRM & Salesforce

Even though Salesforce’s Winter ’15 update has barely begun its roll-out, we’ll be turning our attention to February’s Spring ’15 offering for the purposes of this blog. Yesterday, Salesforce notified administrators that the Spring ’15 version will include a Maps feature. Included in the email were directions for opting out of this service, which might be the preferred way of dealing with this change for some organizations. Here, we will describe the nature of the change and provide you with instructions for turning off the Maps feature:

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Real Life Heroes: Food For Free

By | Client Spotlight

a7692356-0321-4450-aba6-5c9595ca5c54In light of the fact that Thanksgiving is two weeks from today, we’ve decided to spotlight one of our clients who are doing amazing things with food. That client is Food for Free, an organization that rescues fresh food that, without being rescued, might have gone to waste, and delivers it to the local emergency food system. Pretty amazing, right?

Food for Free’s director, Sasha Purpura, explains Food for Free’s mission as this: “We take this problem that is food waste, and we turn it into a solution.” 501Partners worked with Food for Free to implement an in-vehicle Food Tracker, which is an app that integrates with Salesforce and allows the organization to keep track of the food they are receiving and distributing all on tablets in their trucks.

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Salesforce Update: Disabling SSL 3.0 Encryption

By | CRM & Salesforce

Recently, Salesforce announced that it would be disabling SSL (Secure Socket Layer) 3.0 due to a security vulnerability published by Google’s researchers. This is likely not something that will affect your Salesforce instance significantly, but we wanted to keep everyone up to date on the changes. Before we go any further, here is the statement from Salesforce about why this disabling is occurring:

“At Salesforce, trust is our #1 value, and we take the protection of our customers’ data very seriously. On October 15, Google researchers published details on a security vulnerability (CVE-2014-3566) that affects the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) 3.0 encryption protocol, also known as “POODLE,” which may allow a man-in-the-middle attack to extract data from secure HTTP connections. Although the vulnerability is somewhat difficult to exploit, to further protect customers, we will be disabling SSL 3.0 to fully address this issue.”

Here’s what this change means: Once Salesforce disables SSL 3.0 encryption, all channels which connect to Salesforce will need to use TLS 1.0 Encryption (or higher). There are three channels that connect to Salesforce via encryption:

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salesforce support

Why Salesforce Support Subscription?

By | Our Services

This week, we wanted to feature one of our lesser known services, the Salesforce Support Subscription. Just as it sounds, this subscription is offered to any nonprofit that is interested simply in on-demand Salesforce help. We developed the Salesforce Support Subscription because, while many consultants will implement a project and move on, 501Partners recognizes that organizations often need an ongoing relationship with their consultancy in order to continue Salesforce success beyond the initial project. When your organization enrolls in the Support Subscription, you are ensuring that there is always access to a dedicated, on-demand Salesforce solution.

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What’s the Best Way to Get Event Data Into Salesforce?

By | CRM & Salesforce

Image courtesy of cooldesign / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

If you’re involved with a nonprofit organization in any way, you know that event management is one of the key day-to-day processes. There absolutely has to be an efficient and uniform way to contextualize and manage the data that is inevitably attached to whatever event you are putting on. For our clients, they need a way to get this data into Salesforce in a seamless and accurate way, and they often need it to happen with few manual steps.

There are dozens of ways to push this data to Salesforce and, in general, they depend on the technical sophistication of the organization. When weighing these options, there are a few questions that must be asked, whether by the organization itself or by an outside consultant like 501Partners. First, does the organization have a technical staff? Do they outsource? The two technical constraints that need to be understood by both the organization itself and any outside consultants are the budget and the internal capacity for maintenance. Without knowing these factors, it is hard to make a recommendation.

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Real Life Heroes: Shelter Music Boston

By | CRM & Salesforce
Last week we highlighted our client, Haymakers for Hope, and had so much fun doing it that we’ve decided to profile some more real life do-gooders. This week, we’ll take a look at our client, Shelter Music Boston. Shelter Music is just what it sounds like; a nonprofit dedicated to bringing world class music to homeless shelters in the Greater Boston area. As the people of Shelter Music put it, they are citizen artists working for social change – “Just as others work to shelter and feed homeless citizens, Shelter Music Boston feeds their souls.”

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salesforce crm

Review of Online Giving Platforms for Salesforce (Fall 2014)

By | CRM & Salesforce

When it comes to online donation platform solutions for Salesforce, three big names come to mind. There are plenty of others beyond these three, but they often have less capacity to integrate with Salesforce and will not be as effective for your organization without this capability. Click & Pledge, Form Assembly + Paypal and Soapbox are reviewed in detail below by our excellent Salesforce consultant, Bill. Ultimately, the decision of which online giving platform to choose will be yours, but here are our thoughts on the matter:

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First, Do No Harm: Does Your Salesforce Instance Need Preventative Care or Major Surgery?

By | CRM & Salesforce

What do Salesforce and the human body have in common? And why are we about to compare 501Partners to your primary care physician? The answer is simple: Implementing and maintaining a Salesforce instance at your nonprofit requires a lot of moving parts; kind of like maintaining your health requires multiple systems, organs and cells to organize and cooperate. What the human body does is amazing, and we think Salesforce is pretty amazing, too. Sometimes, though, such powerful tools are complex and require some explaining to understand their complexity. Kind of like that anatomy class we all had to take in high school.

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salesforce winter 15 update

What to Expect From Salesforce’s Winter ’15 Update

By | CRM & Salesforce

salesforce winter 15 updateDespite what we want to believe, the weather is getting colder and the seasons are changing. As we inch closer to the New Year, those of us at 501Partners are gearing up for Salesforce’s Winter ’15 update, and we want to get you in the spirit, too! In addition to addressing the additions and changes requested on the IdeaExchange, Salesforce will be improving just about every facet of the current system. No need to panic, though! Unlike the drastic and alarming changes that some tech companies implement, this will still be the Salesforce that you know and love, just with minor fixes and improvements So, what exactly will be new in the Winter ’15 update?

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